Summary of Restrictions & Regulations


2025 Monthly Commissioner Meeting Schedule

All Meetings are scheduled to meet on the
4th Monday of each month at 7:00pm
at Locust Grove.
(*exceptions noted below)

● Monday, Jan 27

● Monday, Feb 24

● Monday, Mar 24

● Monday, Apr 28

● Tuesday, May 27*

● Monday, Jun 23

● Monday, Jul 28

● Monday, Aug 25

● Monday, Sep 22 (Annual Resident’s Meeting)

● Monday, Oct 27

● Monday, Nov 24

● Monday, Dec 15*

In compliance with the Open Records act of Kentucky, all of our meetings are open to the public.

Although not required, if you would like to attend, please send us a quick email to one week prior to the meeting to let us know we should expect you. Additionally if you’d like to address the Commission, please let us know what questions you have for us or topics you’d like to address.



All household pets shall be at all times, (except exercise, at which time they are to be placed on a leash) confined to the lot occupied by the owner of such pet.


No trailer, truck, commercial vehicle, camper trailer, camping vehicle or boat shall be parked or kept on any lot at any time unless housed in a garage or basement. No trailer, boat, truck, or other vehicle shall be parked on any street for a period in excess of twenty-four (24) hours.


No sign advertising, or for any purpose, shall be displayed on any lot, or on a building or structure on any lot, except one (1) sign for advertising the sale or rent thereof. Said sign shall not be greater in area than nine (9) square feet.

Property Maintenance

It shall be the duty of each owner to keep the grass on the lot properly cut, to keep the lot free from weeds and trash, and to keep it otherwise neat and attractive. No landscape planting shall obstruct the view of vehicular traffic.

Construction - New Homes, Additions & Detached Garages

No building or addition shall be erected on any lot until construction plans, specifications, and a plan showing the grade elevation and location of the structure are approved in writing by Louisville Metro Government and the City of Riverwood. At the time of approval, the owner shall deposit an amount of no more than five hundred dollars with the City of Riverwood to insure that the finished construction complies with all regulations. No outbuilding, trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, or barn shall at any time be used as a residence temporarily or permanent.

Contact information for the City of Riverwood's Architectural Review Committee is below.

For a list of Louisville Metro's current rules and regulations, please visit:

Architectural Review Ordinance

As the Summer of 2004, homeowners intending to have exterior renovations or additions performed to their property are required to obtain a permit for the construction from City of Riverwood's Architectural Review. Please contact Alex Holley, (502) 645-5392, to initiate the architectural review.


No fence or wall may extend toward the front or street side property line beyond the front of the residence or in any way obstruct the view of roadways. It is also suggested that the owner discuss such plans with the adjacent neighbors.

*Fences are primarily regulated by existing Louisville Metro ordinances, which can be found here:

Swimming Pools

Must comply with Louisville Metro Government Rules & Regulations.